wtorek, 24 marca 2015


So we technically have Spring but we don't. Lately my days are all about (or at least that's what my pictures are about ;)) work, food and yoga. And also French but this is stressful so I don't want to talk about it too much :) Anyways, here are some pics from the last weekend/week.

Niby mamy wiosnę, ale w sumie, to jej nie mamy. Ostatnio (przynajmniej tak wynika ze zdjęć zapisanych w moim telefonie) moje życie kręci się wokół pracy, jedzenia i yogi. No i jeszcze francuskiego, ale o tym wolałabym zapomnieć, ponieważ ten temat trochę mnie stresuje. No ale pora na konkrety :) oto kilka zdjęć z ostatniego weekendu/tygodnia.

True. Always remember that.

Did I mention that I love onion rings?

Really nice soup recipe!

Home made sushi and black bean brownies :)

Curry! It was really good, quite proud about this one ;)

Ladies night ;)

Amazing brunch with waffles and mimosas!!

Spring is heeeeeere. NOT :)

Spring salad


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