Jakiś czas temu odkryłam bardzo dobry program do nauki języków. Nazywa się Rosetta Stone i można go znaleźć tutaj. Do wyboru mamy ponad 30 języków (w tym polski :)) Cała idea polega na powtarzaniu zdań, aż je zapamiętamy. Program od razu podaje wynik, zadania można powtarzać ile razy się chce. Ćwiczymy zarówno wymowę, jak i słuchanie, a także uczymy się nowych słówek i gramatyki. Ja uczę się za jego pomocą francuskiego :)
Some time ago I've discovered a really nice program to learn languages. It's called Rosetta Stone and you can find it here. You can choose among more than 30 languages!! (including Polish ;)). The idea is simple - you repeat the sentences/words until you remember them. The program gives you the result right after finishing a sequence. You can practice not only speaking and listening, but also learn new words and grammar. I've been learning French with Rosetta and I really like it :)
Some time ago I've discovered a really nice program to learn languages. It's called Rosetta Stone and you can find it here. You can choose among more than 30 languages!! (including Polish ;)). The idea is simple - you repeat the sentences/words until you remember them. The program gives you the result right after finishing a sequence. You can practice not only speaking and listening, but also learn new words and grammar. I've been learning French with Rosetta and I really like it :)